2020-01-03 9:16 PM
I need some ideas on solving the following bugs and shall keep updating the list as more bugs come in.
If you define ADC2 in CubeMX and use the ADC Read block in Simulink, the block forgets that it was on ADC2 and your settings will be lost upon reopening the .slx file. Also, the opening speed of the ADC block is worse than it was on 5.1.0.
The Register Access block forgets the peripheral parameter upon reopening the .slx file.
TIM13 PWM Generation does not get recognized by the Timer block.
SPI3 Full_Duplex MASTER POLLING fails to compile and gives the error "Error in default port datatype function of S-function '(proj directory)/Simulink Function1/Simulink Function/SPI'. This function does not set the datatype of output port 2".
The interrupt routines of an SPI block is fused with the write function. You cannot trigger another SPI write using the SPI complete interrupts as it'll create a function-call cycle that simulink doesn't like. The SPI writes, reads, and interrupt definitions should be all separately blocked.
Thanks in advance.
2020-01-08 2:50 AM
Hi @CMA ,
For BUG#001, we planned some improvements for ADC blocks.
At best, it will be part of next delivery end of Q1 or Q2 of 2020.
2020-01-10 9:58 AM
For BUG#003, some issues seen also with TIMER13 on F4.
Root cause understood.
2020-03-09 5:54 AM
For BUG#004, with SPI block, the mex files have been repaired.
These corrections will be part of the next delivery of STM32-MAT/TARGET V5.6.0 planned for the end of Q1 2020.
2020-03-24 6:27 AM
Hi @CMA l,
The STM32-MAT/TARGET V5.6.0 was released in the last days of March 2020.
This release is paired with STM32CubeMx V5.6.0 and with MATLAB R2018b.
This is the consolidation of the previous version V5.4.0 with some enablers for the NUCLEO-H743ZI2.