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Using two time bases, SysTick and general-purpose timer

Senior II

I am using a STM32G431RB MCU and the STM32Cube_FW_G4_V1.5.0 package for motion control. In addition to the usual SysTick 1ms time base a second, faster time base is needed to run control loops. I plan to use a general-purpose timer (e.g. TIM2) to implement the fast time base.

Question: the SysTick uses the HAL functions (HAL_IncTick etc.). Is it advised to implement custom functions for the fast time base, or are additional libraries available, HAL or others? Thank you.


If you need a second timer, start one in free-running mode and read it when necessary. Generally this would be done independently from SysTick.

You can also use the free-running 32-bit DWT timer for maximum resolution.

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Senior II

Hello TDK, thank you for your helpful and quick response. Please comment on this idea, which I think is not unusual: the callback function for the free-running timer executes the velocity control, updates the finite state machine, etc. The timer frequency (period) provides a precise loop update rate, let's say 2000 Hz. The main() loop is not needed for this. Thank you!

That is a valid and common approach to doing PID type control on a microcontroller.
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