2015-12-12 8:19 AM
Hello guys,
Sorry to bohter you .I am working on stm32f4 discovery kit.It is a part of my final project.I need help about rs232 communication using matlab simulink therefore I would like to ask you if somebody is familiar this communication or not .I tried to accomplish it many times but I could not.Thanks. #stm32f4 #rs232 #usart #stm32f4-uart2015-12-14 8:42 AM
you can download and install STM32-MAT/Target ( http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF258513?s_searchtype=partnumber )You need MATLAB, Simulink and EmbeddedCoder to use it.It provides USART_Rx and USART_Tx model to Receive/Send through STM32 USART peripheral (RS232)You will find STM32 USART examples in STM32demos/Test/USART repository.You will also need to install STM32CubeMx tool ( http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF259242?s_searchtype=partnumber ) to graphically configure STM32 peripherals you need.Best regardsPascal