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Use basic DFSDM on STM32F12ZG

David Wallén
Associate III


I am trying to record audio on a STM32F412 with an MP23DT05-A (digital MEMS microphone made by ST) using DSFDM.

After basic configuration in CubeMX the project does not compile. The error is a missing function:

undefined reference to `__HAL_RCC_DFSDMAUDIO_CONFIG'

which does not seem to be in the libraries that CubeMX has generated. I searched though the codebase on the filesystem and this function is not found anywhere.

To achieve this I have followed both the Application note:

and the Youtube tutorial (which does basically the same thing) to no luck.

Has anyone faced a similar issue and could point me in the right direction?

Many thanks in advance!

Best Regards,


David Wallén
Associate III

It seems to be related to clock source is selected. With:

"PDM / SPI input from ch0 and internal clock"

selected it works, but the error arises when switching to

"PDM / SPI input from ch0 and external clock"

the above error arises.

Is there some additional configuration I have to do which I am missing?

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,



I also met this problem. Have you solved it?