2017-11-22 9:06 AM
Actually the question is for ST. There are all examples and support of all USB host classes except just one - Video Class. I don't understand why it happens? Are there some road map to add it?
And question to forum.
May be someone can share UVC host (not device) driver for STM32 (L4 or F4 specifically) on HAL level? For my study I'm trying to connect to STM32L4 usb web cam, but I need to develop whole UVC host driver for it.
May be someone can help with suggestions at least?
2018-05-16 7:23 PM
UVC is for vedio, and this need to many HW source, like SRAM, so I think this limit for the UVC to add the lib.
2018-09-15 7:31 AM
Here is my code example: https://github.com/iliasam/STM32_HOST_UVC_Camera
2018-09-17 6:58 PM
UVC is a relatively large and complex device class. And for a host, it requires considerable bandwidth for video streams, memory for buffering frames, and CPU power for running codecs. Unless you have a very low-resolution FS webcam, it is unlikely that the L4 would be suitable match for this task. What exactly are you trying to implement?
2024-01-26 1:07 AM
it is a shame that CubeMX does not support a video class (uvc) for USB or a combination of several device classes. After one day of searching examples i found a "software pack" for CubeMX:
alambe94/I-CUBE-USBD-Composite: Create STM32 USB Composite devices with ease. (github.com)
here a small uvc example I created:
ST, please support this project and promote it, so we all can save lifetime!
I use:
CubeMX 6.10.0
CubeIDE 1.14.0
Processor: STM32F407VGT + PHY USB3310