2015-07-03 05:24 AM
I want to operate STM32F429I discovery board in UVC class.
Can any one help me?Can i use it as a webcam? #stm32f429 #uvc2024-01-26 01:08 AM
it is a shame that CubeMX does not support a video class (uvc) for USB or a combination of several device classes. After one day of searching examples i found a "software pack" for CubeMX:
alambe94/I-CUBE-USBD-Composite: Create STM32 USB Composite devices with ease. (github.com)
here a small uvc example I created:
ST, please support this project and promote it, so we all can save lifetime!
I use:
CubeMX 6.10.0
CubeIDE 1.14.0
Processor: STM32F407VGT + PHY USB3310