2013-05-27 4:55 AM
I would like to connect an STM32 board into a WiFi network, to exchange a LOW amount of data from time to time (for control / data sampling, only some 100 Bytes per minute or so). Concerning hardware requirements, I think the easiest solution would be to use the STM32 USB interface in host mode, and then connect a ''WiFi USB adapter'', which you get already for 15$ upwards as add-on for PC or Raspberry-Pi. Can anybody give me some hints how to communicate with such a ''WiFi USB adapter'' (e. g. at digikey you get a ''Adapter 802.11n Wifi USB'' from ''LM Techologies''). Is this very much effort? Best of course would be, if some demo software would be available, e. g. for STM32F4Discovery or so.2013-05-27 6:38 AM
''Concerning hardware requirements, I think the easiest solution would be to use the STM32 USB interface in host mode''
But the hardware part is (almost) the trivial part - the real work would be in the software to support this! Even for someone experienced in USB Host development, this is not trivial - and your question suggests that you are not experienced in USB Host development? A specific problem with buying a cheap, consumer ''dongle'' is that you are unlikely to get any technical documentation or support - it's going to rely on your googling skills to dig-out whatever information is out there. I think you're more likely to get useful support by using a WiFi module that's specifically designed, documented, and supported for embedded use - there are plenty available...
2013-05-27 6:42 AM
Find an adapter well supported in Linux, review the driver code to quantify the implementation complexity.
2014-05-21 2:52 AM
If you are already comfortable with the STM32 USB peripheral, read the Communications Device Class specifications and the Universal Serial Bus Communications Class Subclass Specifications for Network Control Model Devices
http://www.usb.org/developers/docs/devclass_docs/ It will take a while to write you own driver. It is a good idea to follow Clive's advice, find a linux supported WiFi USB Adapter and study it's linux driver.