2015-07-19 03:35 AM
I'm new with the STM32CubeMX software and the SW4STM32 IDE. I have some issues with the generation of a simple USB DFU application. I was working with the STM32CubeMX 4.8.0 release and the STM32F4 1.6.0 Firmware package and all were working perfectly. However, I have updated both components to the last one available (4.9.0 & 1.7.0), and now I'm not able to compile the project. Whereas I was writing this post I have found the solution. I think it could be interesting for other people. This is the problem:2017-01-21 06:51 AM
I don't know exactly the version numbers of the firmware, but lately, the skeleton functions in usbd_dfu_if.c are no longer populated, so the writing actions in the flash have no means to complete. Check that...