2013-07-02 01:09 PM
I am working in a USB Device project. The idea is plugging the device in the PC via USB cable in order to mount a drive unit. Data is storaged in a SD card through SPI interface. I am using STM3210C-Eval board and started from ''STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0''. This example works fine to 2GB SD card, but when I use 4 ou 8 GB SDHC card it just doesn't work. The file stm2310c_eval_spi_sd.c does not take account SDHC cards.Do you know any example to STM3210C-Eval using SPI interface that works for SDHC cards? #spi #sdhc #stm3210c-eval-board2013-07-02 01:24 PM
Even the new ST firmwares don't deal with >4GB cards properly, I had to fix that for the STM32F4-DISCOVERY + SDIO demos (FATFS and MSC)
The SPI mode used by the STM32F107 is painfully slow. I don't have an STM3210E-EVAL, but rather an STM32CMICOS-EVAL. I have some time buried in an SDHC demo (16-32GB Ultra), but nothing releasable.2013-07-03 09:37 AM
Hi, Clive.
Could you provide me your fixed version that you mentioned for MSC, even for STM32F4-DISCOVERY? It could be helpful.Thanks.2013-07-03 11:18 AM
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