2008-10-27 7:55 AM
2011-05-17 3:48 AM
I test the code with USART1 and USART3. Both are working fine. However, I have to use all 5 USART ports in the same time. I know how to setup all the 5 USARTs control/status/data registers. But I don't know what is the ports refer to USART4 and USART5. There are so many remapping for USART1 to 3. However, there are no description for USART4 and USART5. Is there anyone can give me some information about this. Thanks in advance.
Philip2011-05-17 3:48 AM
only UART1-3 have remappings (see RM008, 7.3.7, page 114f). UART4 is on
PC10,PC11 (TX, RX), UART5 is on PC12, PD2 (see Datasheet, Table 4 ''Pin definitions'').2011-05-17 3:48 AM
It's in the data sheet for the specific device, not in the reference manual for the entire family.
2011-05-17 3:48 AM
Hi tibo,
Thank you for your information. I checked my existing RM008 Reference manual of July,08 version. It doesn't mention the pin assignment for the UART4 and UART5. Would you mind to send me a softcopy? Or what version you use? Thanks in advance. Philip2011-05-17 3:48 AM
Hi Andreas1,
Thank you. I found it out. Thanks a lot. Philip