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LED blink Performancestick

Associate II
Posted on October 28, 2008 at 11:39

LED blink Performancestick

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:48

Does anyone have a simple example of an LED blink for the Performance Stick? I'm just looking for a simple piece of code in C that initializes the I/O without the libraries. I tend to avoid the libraries and roll my own code and this is the best way for me to get started.

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:48

Since I haven't had any responses from the forum I thought I would post an example I wrote for the LM3S317 from Luminary micro. The ST micro reference manual doesn't give a procedure for initializing peripherals so I'm looking for an example.

/ LEDblink.c for the LM3S317

//Declare functions

int main(void);

void dummy_handler(void);

void isrPWM0(void);

//Define the vector table

__attribute__ ((section(''vectors'')))

int const VectorStackTop = 0x20000800; // Exception 0, Starting value of MSP

__attribute__ ((section(''vectors'')))

int (* const VectorMain) (void) = main; // Exception 1, Reset

__attribute__ ((section(''vectors'')))

int (* const VectorMNI) (void) = main; // Exception 2, NMI

__attribute__ ((section(''vectors'')))

void (* const VectorArray[]) (void) =


dummy_handler, // Exception 3, hard fault

dummy_handler, // Exception 4, MemManage fault

dummy_handler // Exception 5, Bus fault


//Dummy Handler

void dummy_handler(void)





// Declarations


// Macro for Register access

#define HWREG(x) (*((volatile unsigned long *)(x)))

// System Control Registers

#define SYSCTL_BASE 0x400FE000 //Base address

#define RCGC2 HWREG(SYSCTL_BASE+0x0108)

// GPIO Registers

#define GPIOD 1<

#define GPIO_PORTD 0x40007000

#define GPIODATA_OFFSET 0x03FC //Data for 255 <

#define GPIODIR_OFFSET 0x0400

#define GPIODEN_OFFSET 0x051C




//Port Pins

#define P2 1<


// Initialize LED


void initLED (void)


RCGC2 |=GPIOD; //Enable Port D clocking

PDDIR |=P2; //Port D pin 2 output

PDDEN |=P2; //Port D pin 2 digital enable



// LED on


void LEDon (void)


PDDATA &= (~P2);



// LED off


void LEDoff (void)





// Main


int main(void)


volatile unsigned long ulLoop;

initLED(); //Set up LED port



for(ulLoop = 0; ulLoop < 0x10000; ulLoop++)




for(ulLoop = 0; ulLoop < 0x10000; ulLoop++)






Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:48

Well, I'd say it has to do with the fact that you specifically asked for code that does not make use of the libraries. If there's a library that makes life easier for you - why not use it?

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:48

The short answer:

I'm concerned with the ''how'' not the ''why''

The long answer:

There was a thread a while back about a guy that wanted to write in assembly. I've only evolved one step beyond this person in that I use C to get away from the mechanics of assembly language and to make my code a little more readable. But I still come from an assembly code and hardware design background and I like to have control over the mcu at the register level.

Associate III
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:48

I don't know what port the performance stick led is on, or whether it is push-pull or open-drain, but this (untested code) ought to toggle PB10 in push-pull mode.

typedef unsigned long u32;

#define RCC_ABP2ENR *((u32*)0x40021018)

#define GPIOB_CRH *((u32*)0x40010C04)

#define GPIOB_ODR *((u32*)0x40010C0C)

int main(void)


RCC_ABP2ENR |= 0x8; // enable GPIOB in RCC_ABP2ENR

GPIOB_CRH = 0x00000300; // set PB10 to output push pull

u32 Delay;



GPIOB_ODR = (1 << 10); // turn on PB10 in GPIOB_ODR

for (Delay = 0; Delay < 500000; Delay++);

GPIOB_ODR = 0; // turn off PB10 in GPIOB_ODR

for (Delay = 0; Delay < 500000; Delay++);



[ This message was edited by: paul.smitton on 28-10-2008 09:56 ]

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:48

That is very helpful.
