2022-01-17 5:31 AM
I have updated the firmware on my STM32H745ZI-Q and when I run in debug mode the code runs until:
while((__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_D2CKRDY) != RESET) && (timeout-- > 0));
if ( timeout < 0 )
The code stops in the error handler.
Is there a way to use an older firmware version or is there something I am missing?
2022-01-17 3:41 PM
Debug the M4 core and see where it gets stuck, if anywhere. Ensure option bytes are set so that it boots and a valid program is uploaded for it.
2022-01-19 1:14 AM
That worked perfectly thank you. I just ran debug on the M4 (I was trying to debug the M7) and clicked play. Then went back to the M7 debug and it worked. Thank you again for your help