2017-10-27 2:32 PM
Hi All,
I am trying reprogram my board- MCU-STM32F405RGT6, programmer/debugger: ST-Link/V2. It says read protection activated (when I check my options byte REAd protection is set to level 1 ). I try to change the read protection to level 0 it says: Option bytes cannot be set Reset target device
2017-10-28 1:30 PM
Are you use the latest FW version of STLink v2 debuger and stlink utility?
i tried with F429ZI and had success.
2017-10-29 10:59 AM
FW version of STLink V2 dedugger and utilty is
Is F429ZI is different that this
2017-10-29 4:42 PM
Hello again.
After some search here, i found a board with same die like yours. Here are the results.
STLink utility is the latest version as yours also.
my firmware of stlink device is
Used theese settings.
I didn't use hardware reset.
2017-10-30 9:26 AM
It still does not work. My Target voltage is 3.2V, is their a way to change it?
2017-10-30 10:42 AM
Firmware V2J23S4 is too old . Suggest to upgrade.
2017-10-30 1:00 PM
More likely something else bollixed up with the design.
Connectivity issues.
NRST driven by a push-pull driver.
Voltages on VCAP pins.
Device orientation.
2017-10-30 1:17 PM
Even after upgrading firmware version problem still exist
How is that for your device Target voltage is 2.9V. Does this has anything to do with read protection?
Is there any need to set BOR Level?
2017-10-30 2:55 PM
VCAP_1 and VCAP_2 is 1.18 V
2018-01-22 10:22 AM