2023-09-07 10:01 PM
I created a custom board with the STM32 (F103C8T6), and I am trying to program it using a FTDI USB to Serial module. However, nothing is happening, it doesn't seem to be sending anything and when I try using STM32CubeProgrammer it says:
Timeout error occured while waiting for acknowledgement.
Error: Activating device: KO. Please, verify the boot mode configuration and check the serial port configuration. Reset your device then try again...
Relevant schematics:
Note that BTEN is unconnected and the BT0 header pin is connected to VCC (which should put it into boot mode).
I have tried reversing RXD and TXD and both 9600 and 115200 baud rate. How can I debug this?
2023-09-08 10:41 PM
No, only newer STM32 have this feature. Read AN2606.
2023-10-21 10:48 PM
Ok, I soldered BOOT1 to GND, but its still not doing anything. Any ideas on what else it could be?
2023-10-21 10:57 PM
I soldered BOOT1 to GND but it is still not responding to anything. Is there anything I can do to debug?
2023-10-22 3:04 PM
Outside of STM32 Cube Programmer you can use RealTerm, or other similar terminal applications, to send the 0x7F pattern at 9600 8E1 (8-bit, Even Parity, 1 stop bit), the expected response is 0x79. This is a on-shot connection method, where the system tries to compute the baud rate from the bit pattern. If this fails, reset and try again.
If it's non-responsive, it generally points to an electrical or circuit issue.
Normally people also provide a means for SWD/JTAG connectivity to program/debug products.
You might be able to connect via USB, in DFU mode, where the device would come up as a "STM32 BOOT DEVICE" type entity in Windows from the System Memory loader in the STM32F1
A picture might help confirm orientation, and counterfeit devices.