2019-09-27 04:49 AM
Hello all,
I am having Development Board of STM 32F103RBT6 (Nucleo 64)
I have Linux based operating system Ubuntu version of 14.04 , for which i am using STM32CubeMX version 4.24.0 with Atollic TrueStudio I.D.E 9.2.0
I am new to this the STM environment and want to get hands on with this board (STM 32F103RBT6) and build the application which contents UART/SPI/Button Interrupt functionality but that would be lateral part
First i would like to run a blinky code on th board in Debug mode so that i can get familiar with IDE and Board. For that i have referred this link given below
I was able to Build the code and successfully compile it but while debugging i came across the following Error after Building of code
Error in initializing ST-Link device.
Reason: (1) Failed to connect to device. Please check power and cabling to target.
As per the error message i tried replacing the cable twice with two new cables but still i am getting the same error,
Whereas if i use all the same cables for any other purpose they work fine.
I have also attached the Screen Shot of the Error below
If there is any getting started guide for STM 32 Nucleo boards with atollic(Linux based) Please help with the same.
And if there are any SDK packages/Utillities to be installed for running the code Please help me with it
Also If there is any Debug configuration settings to be done for Atollic please help me with it
I request you to please help me at the earliest
Thanks and Regards