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Uart bulk data transfer

Associate II


i need some help in transfering 24 bit 3 channel adc captured data via uart. SPI based ADC sampling rate is 4ksps i.e. I get dataready interrupt at every 256usec . The total bits per second would be then 4000x9x8 equals 288000.

Can anyone help me with how can i transfer this via uart? (MCU - stm32l476 at 48MHz)

Thanks in advance.

ST Employee

Hello @prsh ,

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Data outflow rate would need to exceed in-flow with some margin.

Perhaps best to use a DMA ping-pong method where you manage the HT and TC interrupts so you can light off a HAL_UART_TransmitDMA() for the IN-ACTIVE half of the ADC buffer


Probably also want to think about how you might packetize this in a way that allows for synchronization and recovery at the receiving end.

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