2025-02-26 4:38 AM
i have a question about tx_event_flags_get function
i was using the function like this:
tx_event_flags_get(&Flags, 0x01, TX_OR ,NULL, TX_WAIT_FOREVER);
with a NULL -> ((void *)0) for the actual_flags_ptr parameter and worked fine , i 'm using NULL beacuse i don't need the actual value of the flags
after that i'have tried to use like this:
if(tx_event_flags_get(&Flags,0x08, TX_OR_CLEAR ,NULL, TX_NO_WAIT) == TX_SUCCESS)
but it seems the combination of NULL and TX_NO_WAIT option is not working, never triggered
then if i use an actual variable pointer like this:
if(tx_event_flags_get(&Flags, MACHINEPARAMSRESET, TX_OR_CLEAR ,&actualFlag, TX_NO_WAIT) == TX_SUCCESS)
work perfect.
why i cannot use NULL if i'm using TX_NO_WAIT ?
there is a problem with the NULL pointer?
i'm also using the qwueue info get like this:
tx_queue_info_get(&queue, NULL, &queueCnt, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
and it's working perfectly
am i wrong to use the NULL pointer ehere i don't need the value?
thank you