2017-06-23 6:45 AM
tutorial stm32f7xx
2017-06-23 7:05 AM
2017-06-23 7:35 AM
There may also be commercial entities providing training and support
2017-06-23 11:25 AM
There were a lot of free workshop provided by ST. Not sure if there is a freely available storage with all contents available for workshop participants.
Some of them were really useful - I remember a workshop devoted to STMF4, especially STMF429-DISCO was used for practical examples based on HAL (I mean step-by-step introductory tutorials). The interesting piece was devoted integration with BSP drivers.
I would suggest ST team to prepare some educational materials or share those which were available during workshops (L0, F4, etc).
I think that good educational materials can attract more people to ST ARMs.
2017-06-23 3:38 PM
I think that good educational materials can attract more people to ST ARMs.
Kinda think they've already achieved critical mass. Having broad and bullet-proof example code would help far more. I'm much more of a proponent of core knowledge and problem solving skills, the specifics on a given part are of far more transitory value.
2017-06-23 11:52 PM
Yes, agree but if ST delivers examples and at the same time promotes CubeMX they should deliver CubeMX project files do Disco boards as well.
They do use HAL in their examples but the actual example is not generated by the Cube (I mean the driver skeleton).
Every time I buy a new Discovery board I need to generate Cube project from the scratch spending time on FMSC settings, etc.
I was thinking about basic CubeMX based educational materials for beginners.
General ARM knowledge is available through good books but is gona read them especially when start and want to enjoy the STM32. It should easy do something from the scratch - isn't the CubeMX purpose? Instead he/she can re-edit HAL examples that may be sometimes difficult (especially the driver dependencies).
I went through this way and learn a lot but I have a comparison to TI MCU. I selected them first because of the educational materials (then gave up because the STM32 was more flexible for me).
I think that the CubeMX idea is great (you can see all resources & dependencies, easy to setup RCC, etc). The idea is about focusing on app and forget about the details of setting up registers (I know, I know it's a pipe dream but you can easily start playing with advanced MCU and like them, and the vendor).