2019-02-04 8:18 AM
I have question about streaming data to Percepio TraceAlyzer when the MCU is in Tickless mode - in my case in STOP mode (main clock is stoped). I use FreeRTOS and STM32L152VB. My application periodically wakes up with period T=1.5 s. I use for timing of FreeRTOS the RTC (runnig from LSI clock). When I want to use Live Streaming, it works only maybe 1 second, and then it stops streaming.
I enabled the DEBUG support for low power modes. In STOP mode by enabling DBG_STOP in DBGMCU_CR register or calling LL_DBGMCU_EnableDBGStopMode function. But the result is same.
When I do not go to STOP mode it works well.
Any advice?
Thank you very much. Jan.
2019-02-04 11:35 AM
Discuss with Percepio support, not much traffic here discussing it.
2019-02-04 11:27 PM
I discussed, but they only advised the enabling DBG_STOP bit...
2019-02-05 3:09 AM
Check, if it's still set at the moment when it stops "streaming".
Btw., what is the mechanism of "streaming", in terms of STM32 or Cortex-M documentation?
2019-02-05 5:20 AM
There is written:
Debug support for low-power modes
In Stop mode, the bit DBG_STOP must be previously set by the debugger. This will
enable the internal RC oscillator clock to feed FCLK and HCLK in STOP mode....
2019-02-05 5:23 AM
NOW it works - I randomly changed the TRC_CFG_CTRL_TASK_DELAY from 10 to 2