2020-03-24 11:58 PM
Hi. I am a little bit confused.
Why there is so many toolchains for ARM and what are the differences betwen them?
Lastly i heard abot Yagarto, and also these is WinARM, arm-gcc, arm-none-eabi-gcc. Are they all the same? which toolchain should i use?
I also heard about somethink called cygwin, what is that?
2020-04-02 4:20 AM
2 experts they will, on average, make 3 proposals.
But, if you are a beginner, you can hardly fail with the vendor's multi-platform free offer: STM32CubeIDE.
There is one video "How to use STM32CubeIDE"
and two docs
to start with. Avoid "complicated" path names: no spaces, no non-ACSII chars in installation and workspace path.
Good luck
2020-04-03 9:44 PM
I'm aware that I am not native englsh person so maybe i wrote somthing else that i intended i propably I was misunderstood. Plese fore give me.
But. I think i wrote thet i use CudeIDE but it has same disadvantages like: it works ony on 64bit system, i can not add external tool, it doesn't have simulator - i am used to use such tool even though people advise against using it (in some cases it is heplful).
I know i am beginner but i have to start with something and asking some other people helps me to understand.
As i said before there are a lots of informations which are hard to understand for me and that is why as ask, like cygwin. this appears and i can not find what it is. few years later it was necessary to use with ARM but why now it is not? the same as many toolchains yagarto (now i know it is obsolete) none-eabi and eabi
I would like organize my knowledge i that is why i ask, so for give me my stupid questions. :)
2020-04-04 12:50 AM
You are right, you wrote about 32-bit, sorry. cycgwin is not a MCU related tool but a helper for running ported Linux tools under Windows. You need it only when you are using a tool which requires it. Such tools may be make or bash or grep or vi or a compiler toolchain.
I'm not aware of a simulator which simulates the ARM core and also the on-chip peripherals. Better buy a cheap nucleo or discovery board. Its much easier to use and to connect to external hardware or a LA/scope. And, you can debug stepping through the code at source code or assembler level and inspect peripheral registers on most IDEs.
When downloading gcc, you may use gcc-arm-none-eabi form the ARM site or
2020-04-05 12:09 PM
If you already know Visual Studio, and it works on your machine - go for VisualGDB and don't hesitate. It will install the toolchain for you.
Else, prepare for having some hard time.
-- pa
2023-05-27 7:04 PM
Keil now has a uVision Community version that is not code size or functional handicapped.
But you have to swear on a stack of bibles you are using it for non-commercial applications, and the only support is via their forum that heavily relies on users for results.
2023-05-28 11:26 PM
Can you give a link, i can not find it.
2025-01-06 2:44 AM