2019-01-29 1:48 AM
I am using Timer6 on STM32F7 series MCU. As soon as I enable the Timer, UIF bit is set in Status Register which is rc_w0, means it gets cleared by reading or writing 0. Then Execution goes to ISR. In ISR when I read the Status register and Try to clear UIF bit by writing 0 to it, the UIF bit is not getting cleared, even after multiple write-read. Due to which, execution keeps going to ISR.
My code to clear Interrupt Flag is this:
uint8 x= *(volatile uint32*)0x40001010; //Read operation on Timer Status Register
*(volatile uint32*)0x40001010=0x00000000; // Write 0 to UIF bit to clear it
Can anyone please tell me why it is not getting cleared?
2019-01-29 1:55 AM
Maybe because the timer is running and overflowing (thus setting UIF) faster than you succeed to observe and clear it?