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This question is in continuation to my previous query regarding UART error.

Associate II

0693W00000HnbfWQAR.png0693W00000HnbfRQAR.pngI am using an STM32G070RB nucleo 64 board with an ESP 8266, earlier I was using DMA to establish UART communication between the ESP and STM32, but now I have switched to UART interrupt mode to receive and transmit data. When I software reset the ESP the UART starts behaving unexpectedly, The commands in the RX_BUFFER are changing, however they are only part of the commands which I have sent from the ESP via UART as a result of which the device does not behave properly. Prior to software reset the device works fine.0693W00000HnbfMQAR.png Can someone please explain the reason for this and how to solve this issue.



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>>Can someone please explain the reason for this and how to solve this issue.

This is not an ESP 8266 / Espressif forum, if it has quirky behaviour you'll need to discuss those with people familiar with it

Use a scope or logic analyzer, or Tee inputs to a USB-to-CMOS Serial dongle so you can observe signal traffic AS SENT.

Establish if the issue is with the STM32 or ESP8266

Check baud timings.

Check synchronization/recovery.

See if extra stop bits helps recovery/framing.

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