2018-03-19 8:15 AM
after googling around a while and reading the STM32 manual section for the ADC, i am frustrated about the lack of such a section in the manual.
So how IS the ADC in the STM32F4 actually calibrated??
I found this thread:
However, if i do so on my STM32F407VGT (Discovery Board), i dont have a VREFINT_CAL value.
Should i just measure VREFINT on Channel 17 of the ADC and assume this is exactly 1.25 V?
#stm32f4 #adc #adc-calibration2018-03-19 8:40 AM
I might want to check the RM, but I faintly remember the ADC does the calibration automatically.
Or the ADC code in the SPL said so ...
2018-03-19 9:45 AM
Dear @Patrick
There is no hardware ADC calibration for our STM32F4, it is self-calibrated upon reset and once ADC is activated, However, I do not recommend to varies VDDA/ VREF+ voltage once ADC is activated, you should always keep them stable when it is active, else re-enable it again.
For other STM32F1 as example, the calibration is able to compensate the Offset and you can do it from time to time when temperature change or VREF+ voltage Change.
2018-03-19 9:47 AM
Well, that would be OK for me if thats reliable. At least there are no library functions for calibration in my SDK...