2016-06-06 04:59 PM
I have STM32F746BGT6 chip and flash memory W25Q64BV - soldered on its own breadboard.
Connecting legQUADSPI_BK1_IO0 - PF8QUADSPI_BK1_IO1 - PF9QUADSPI_BK1_IO2 - PF7QUADSPI_BK1_IO3 - PF6QUADSPI_BK1_NCS - PB6QUADSPI_BK1_CLK - PB2As a result, I can not read the memory in four lines. Reading one line and reading on two lines - working.There is a suspicion on QUADSPI_BK1_IO2 line, it is the only non-native place. But let cu drag it to PE2.What have I missed ??? #quad-spi2016-06-07 02:25 AM
Hi avi_crak.videocrak,
I recommend you to have a look to the Electrical schematics section in the UM1907 user manual to have an idea about Quad-SPI Flash memory connection with the STM32F746G-DISCO discovery board.-Syrine-2016-06-07 02:25 AM
As mentionned in the , the QUADSPI_BK1_IO2 should be used for PE2 pin.Regards2016-06-07 06:40 AM
Thanks for the quick response. I've already changed the connection type on your. Everything worked.
However, I'm interested in the opportunity to track on the board more beautiful. Cube allows the tug line, there is a table in the documentation - from which I took the data to initialize gpio. The docks error is no mention of this leg.It turns out that you can, but does not work.There's probably something very simple to do you need, otherwise, why allow dragging feet microns.2016-06-07 08:14 AM
Yeah, I'm hard pressed to make sense of that..
Do you actually have an F7-DISCO board, or is this a different board?2016-06-07 08:52 AM
Ready purchase a printed circuit board with chip STM32F746 - plays simple breadboard (in making variants).
By this I chip STM32F746BGT-6 on its own breadboard. Not so nice, but private.----Appointment feet of my first posts - working.It turns quadspi interface is unlike a simple spi, and this is not in the documentation - a sequence of issuing a line of data.quadspi - the least significant byte first (high order bit in the first byte).spi - transmits data in one piece.Now she is working as I wanted.