2016-06-07 11:46 AM
Hi to all,
I got a problem with GPIO interrupt. I have two buttons connected to pin 13 and 14 of port A. I configured pins in input and enabled interrupt, then I wrote the interrupt routine. When I pushed a button I got an interrupt, but I am not able to determine which button is pressed. EXTI->PR gives always 0x6000 GPIOA->IDR gives 0xF00 or 0xE00 for both buttons. How can I distinguish the buttons? Here is my code: ==================================================== #define BUT0 13 //GPIOA #define BUT1 14 //GPIOA MYBUTTON::MYBUTTON() { if(!(RCC->AHBENR & RCC_AHBENR_GPIOAEN)) RCC->AHBENR |= RCC_AHBENR_GPIOAEN; // Enable GPIOA clock GPIOA->MODER &= ~(0x03U<<(2*BUT0) | 0x03U<<(2*BUT1)); //Mode function: 00=input; 01=output; 10=alternate; 11=analog GPIOA->MODER |= 0x00<<(2*BUT0) | 0x00<<(2*BUT1); GPIOA->OSPEEDR &= ~(0x03U<<(2*BUT0) | 0x03U<<(2*BUT1)); //Pin speed = low speed GPIOA->OSPEEDR |= 0x00<<(2*BUT0) | 0x00<<(2*BUT1); GPIOA->PUPDR &= ~(0x03U<<(2*BUT0) | 0x03U<<(2*BUT1)); //Pull up: 00=No pll up/down; 01=pull up; 10=pull down GPIOA->PUPDR |= 0x01<<(2*BUT0) | 0x01<<(2*BUT1); /* Interrupt configuration */ SYSCFG->EXTICR[3] |= 0x00000880; // Pin 13 and 14 of GPIOA EXTI->IMR |= 1L<<BUT0 | 1L<<BUT1; // Interrupt MASK EXTI->FTSR |= 1L<<BUT0 | 1L<<BUT1; // Falling trigger } and the interrup routine: extern ''C'' void EXTI4_15_IRQHandler() { uint32_t a,b,c; a=EXTI->PR; b=EXTI->EMR; c=GPIOA->IDR; myusart1.PrintString((uint8_t *) ''BUTTON INTERRUPT'', ' ', 0); myusart1.PrintHex(a, ' '); myusart1.PrintHex(b, ' '); myusart1.PrintHex(c, '\n'); EXTI->PR |= 1L<<BUT0 | 1L<<BUT1; // Reset interrupt status register return; } ==================================================== Thank you Freya2016-06-07 1:47 PM
Which STM32 are we talking about?
Isn't the EXTICR value of 8 for PI, not PA, at least on the F2/F4 partsThe SYSCFG peripheral clock would normally need enablingPA13,PA14 are typically used for debugging, going to make it harder to debug