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Associate II
Posted on July 12, 2009 at 20:55


Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42

Dear jj.sprague,

I'm just trying to follow your directives but i often get stuck. Here is my init code and cls code :

void abg_init(void)


int i;



// release reset signal



for (i = 0; i

for (i = 0; i


WriteData (0x00);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteCommand (0x40);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteCommand (0x42);

WriteData (30);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteCommand (0x41);

WriteData (30);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteCommand (0x43);

WriteCommand (0x81);

// WriteCommand (0x88);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteData (0x00);

WriteCommand (0x22);


void abg_clrscr(void)


unsigned short i;

WriteCommand(0x98); // Set 10011000, Text off graphic on

// Setting address area for graphic mode

WriteData (0x00); // Send low adrs

WriteData (0x00); // Send high adrs

WriteCommand(0x24); // Send command set address pointer

for (i=0; i< 3840; i++)


WriteData(0x00); // Clear screen

WriteCommand(0xc0); // Send command data write



I'm **really really** bored and could not trace. You're experienced, could you please track my code? Here is the ''clear screen'' result :

I see ''vertical'' lines :( I read datasheet many times, examined a lot of codes and still no result..


[ This message was edited by: optizyme on 07-07-2009 23:13 ]

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42

Prefer to provide general strategies - enables ''you'' to experience the joy of problem solving/mastery.

Have you followed the list - specifically have you placed T6963/clone into character mode - and can you then ''cls'' and place desired chars anywhere on screen?

If not - we are approaching the state of ''maximum randomness'' - which will delay and frustrate you/me/other forum readers.

We have not yet established that your data-bus and control signals are both hardware and timing appropriate. Attempting the more complicated graphic mode ''first'' - before mastering text, addressing and ''cls'' adds undue complication. (ask that you accept my 25 yr. experience w/Lcds)

Vertical lines are not good - usually indicate improper initialization (or worse - ''no'' initialization - and if you're really unlucky indicate that you have ''blown'' a column driver).

There are brighter/more able ''helpers'' on this forum. I ''need'' you to follow procedures exactly - in sequence - and report results. Your reporting does not enable me to help you - for instance we have ''no idea'' how you eventually got the dot-field to reveal. Did you try to display the simpler text only? Results?

I don't like the initialization listing - appears that you are sending data before the governing command. Its been 15+ years but I recall somewhere around 6-8 ''initialization commands'' required by T6963. Peek at your listing shows too few. (I don't have data - nor access - nor enough free time to gather all of this for you)

Have a sure-fire means to cure your boredom - try running a small business in these times - keeping employees, clients, vendors all happy - while providing tech assistance...

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42

Dear jj.sprague,

I would like to thank you for your effort. After fighting many time, i sent e-mails to manufacturer company and they sent me new schematic. In datasheet PD pin wasn't connected but in schematic it is connected. When i connect it to VDD, my lcd started to work :) Here is the source code :

You are great person, i again thank you :)


Anaelle Q
Associate II


I try to use this LCD but i don't find any example code..

Can you send me your source code by mail ? because i can open your. (mail :

Please :)

Best regards,



If you haven't noticed - this exchange is seven years old. The posters are hardly present here anymore.

You may find "jj.sprague" on the TI Cortex M forum (frequent poster there), don't remember his nickname there.

And try to drop "STM32" from the list of search terms when looking for example code.