2018-07-13 02:52 AM
I have got information of the web how to program the systimer , and seems to work okay. But I was trying to find information in the reference, or data manual regarding the fields to program, for example SysTick->CTRL. I am using the L433 chip and looking at the reference manual RM0394 and the data sheet STM32L433xx. Can anyone point me to where I can find the relevant info ?
2018-07-13 03:08 AM
Since the Systick timer is part of the 'ARM Cortex package', ST sees no need documenting it.
You can get most core documentation on
- a recommended read IMHO.2018-07-13 03:20 AM
If the TRM is a bit dense, Joseph Yiu's Essential Cortex-Mx books have an alternate/complementary view.
See also ST's Programming Manual
2018-07-13 05:40 AM
two other alternatives:
1) look at other vendors' documents. LPC and TI are fairly good in that regard.
2) look at the code. cmsis for example has all the code you need.
systick is so simple that if you spend more than a couple minutes on it, it is a waste of time.
2018-07-14 08:10 AM
Indeed, all Core features : NVIC, systick, instruction-set are described in another document called : Cortex Programming Manual and we have one by Core :M0, ..M4,M7 and available on our web pages. Be careful to refer to it instead of generic ARM specs as we describe our STM32 implementation as exemple for systick the prescaler of the clock input which is ST choice.
2018-07-15 01:00 AM
Architecture Reference Manual in probably the most covering document about the internals of ARM cores.
In this case: ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual.