2016-07-21 10:37 AM
I am using above hardware, HAL STM32CubeMX and Keil.
In datasheet DocID13587 Rev 17 page 29 and also CubeMX, pin 17 PA0 is specially marked as SYS-WKUP. What is special about this pin? What can it do 'specially' while many other pins can be configured to wake up in many different manner? I searched info on web and manuals but no success yet. Pointer to info on how to configure in various 'sleep/standby/stop modes' is appreciated. The application is battery device. Wake up to work for, says 1ms, then sleep with low uA, until next scheduled wake up or 'interrupt' on external pin (user keypad) #sys_wkup-pa0-stm32f103rbt6nucleo2016-07-22 7:33 AM
Hi john.john.002,
The wakeup pins of STM32 hardware are related to a wakeup logic inside a standby circuitry of VDD domain through their EXTI lines, to be able to wakeup the CPU form low powe modes. PA0 is a common wakeup pin between almost all STM32 devices wich can wakeup from all power modes cia EXTI line 0. You can have a look to the ''PWR-STANDBY'' in example where PA0 wakeup the device from standby. At this path: STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.4.0\Projects\STM32F103RB-Nucleo\Examples\PWR\PWR_STANDBY -Hannibal-2016-07-22 1:22 PM
Hi Hannibal,
Thanks for advises. It was great help in narrowing the document search which yields the result below. The PA0 SYS_WKUP 'special pin' allow waking up from 'deeper' standby mode (2uA for STM32F103RB). The other 'normal' pins allow waking up from 'less deep' stop mode (20uA) Regards John