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Synchronize Timers of 2 different Stm32f767zi nucleo Board

Associate III

Hi everyone,

I have synchronized the clock of 2 F7 nucleo boards with the same external oscillator.

To do that I have activated MCO of a third nucleo board and then I have connected it to the Pin 29 of CN11 of 2 boards.

2 Clocks of MCUs:

0693W00000HoykCQAR.jpgI have used the Timers in encoder mode to record the encoder data.

But the 2 boards and 8 Timers are not yet synchronized.

Can anybody please help me?


Set the timers in slave triggered mode and trigger them both from the same GPIO signal.

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Associate III

so you can not use Timers in encoder mode.

Okay, so the timers you're interested in synchronizing are in encoder mode? It doesn't look like CubeMX lets you use encoder mode and slave trigger at the same time. I don't believe this is a hardware limitation, but it may be.

Regardless, if all you're trying to do is synchronize the two encoder timers on each board, you don't need the boards to share the same clock. You would need to start the encoder timers at the same time, which could be done based off of polling for a signal from another chip. As encoders are typically low frequency, you should not need too much precision in starting.

Another option method would be to establish communication between the chips to share data.

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Associate III

Yes I want to use them in encoder mode.

Sorry i couldn't understand how I can start all the Timers at the same time. Could you please explain it?
