2018-01-03 1:18 AM
I juse got the Sensortile kit, and I would like to read (life) the output from the sensors using MATLAB. Is there a simple way to stream the data “life� to a MATLAB running on Windows or mac OS? How can I do that?
Thanks for the help!
2018-01-05 12:30 AM
Does it have to be wireless?
How about getting a
and using a UART or USB connection?EDIT
BTW: I think you mean 'live' rather than 'life' ?
2018-01-05 4:11 AM
Thank you Andrew.
Well, that sounds an easy way to start with. But, ultimately I would like to use it wirelessly, as the sensor will be moving around.
and yes “live�! Thanks for the catch
2018-01-05 4:41 AM
Well the SensorTile is BLE - so you'd have to use that.
You'd have to ask Matlab what features they have for receiving from BLE.
AIUI, native Windows support for BLE doesn't start until Windows-10. Or was it 8?
But, whatever, it is certainly not in Win-7
According to
,Windows 8 introduces support for the Bluetooth Low Energy technology.
Whether it was complete and/or reliable at 'introduction' is another matter ...
Seems that the
' was, 'big on Bluetooth
':https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/01/13/new-bluetooth-features-in-creators-update-gatt-server-bluetooth-le/ ♯ GDgG84Po2MmeLTiY.97
I guess an alternative would be to have an app on a 'mobile' device (tablet, phone) receive from the Tile, and then forward to your PC ...