2017-03-05 9:18 PM
I am completely new to the embedded world and have just started to use STM sensortile. I apologize for the naivety of this question in advance.
I want to transfer data from PC to the sensortile which has an STM32L476 on it. I am trying to get my head through the USB CDC interface and data transfer. The software package has a datalog example which sends the data from device to PC via CDC_Fill_Buffer function. I want to send data from PC (Using MATLAB or python via com port) to the device. Any help/tutorial/example code would be of great help regarding this.
#sensortile #stm32l476 #usb-cdc #transfer-data-using-usb2017-05-09 3:35 AM
You should just implement the 'CDC_Itf_Receive(uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t *Len)' callback in usbd_cdc_interface.c. This function is called by the USB driver each time new data is received.
You could also download the latest STM32CubeL4
and have a look at the CDC example: STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.8.0\Projects\STM32L476G_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\CDC_Standalone
2018-10-11 8:24 PM
Hello Davide,
I have a related question, how to send data to the SensorTile via the BLE using BlueSTSDK Python?
Thanks in advance!