2015-10-23 09:03 AM
Hello, I am using STM32F407 Discovery, and would like to send data to the computer without the USART cable (I am only using USB-MiniB cable).
So to view the voltage read by the ADC (of STM32F4) I use printf function, as follows:
int fputc(int c, FILE *stream)
{ return(ITM_SendChar(c)); }printf(...)
Since I need to read then the voltage values on the computer (by matlab), how can I access the debug serial viewer? Or how can I retarget the printf function to write data in a txt file?
I tried also to use fopen,fprintf but it is not working.
#fprintf-printf-putc-file2015-10-23 09:19 AM
how can I access the debug serial viewer?
Copy-n-Paste?2015-10-23 09:25 AM