2019-02-08 1:08 AM
I can store variables in flash memory location successfully but what is happening is updating that variable in main.c file not happening.I'm posted code what i have done below.
Linker script file :
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 320K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 153
MY_VARS (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x08005000, LENGTH = 1K // storing in flash memory
.my_vars :
In main.c file :
__attribute__((section(".MY_VARS"),myvars)) uint32_t *value=8;
int main()
int a =sum(); //i have a sum function of two numbers and storing in variable 'a'
value =&a; // value should updated to sum but it is not updating
readaddress=(const volatile uint32_t *)0x08005000;// reading flash memory
printf("Read flash address %lu\n",*readaddress);// printing the data which is stored in value ,it is printing everytime 8 but it should print variable data which stored in 'a'.
int sum(int a)
int a=1, b= 34 ;
return a;
Can anybody help me to figure this out,i hope u understood what im asking.
Thank you
Solved! Go to Solution.
2019-02-08 5:55 AM
Ok, but you've got some super weird C syntax, and assignment
__attribute__((section(".MY_VARS"),myvars)) uint32_t *value=8;
value =&a; // value should updated to sum but it is not updating
I'm talking about methods to actually write FLASH from an application, ie
2019-02-08 2:24 AM
> __attribute__((section(".MY_VARS"),myvars)) uint32_t *value=8;
Simply using:
const uint32_t value = 8;
will usually do the trick.
2019-02-08 3:15 AM
thanks avatar but my concern is below,
1.lets say i want to store in 0x08005000 location in flash.
2.i initilazed some data to value ,value = 8.
3.i have a function called sum() doing addition of two numbers ,this number should be stored in value and should be updated in flash.(see above for ref)
2019-02-08 3:20 AM
Look at the examples for writing values in to FLASH. They are more complicated than a simple assignment. You will need to enable access to the FLASH and erase prior to a write.
2019-02-08 3:43 AM
yes i have read some references to store in flash,below is the link i followed blog.atollic.com/using-gnu-gcc-on-arm-cortex-devices-placing-code-and-data-on-special-memory-addresses-using-the-gnu-ld-linker
2019-02-08 5:55 AM
Ok, but you've got some super weird C syntax, and assignment
__attribute__((section(".MY_VARS"),myvars)) uint32_t *value=8;
value =&a; // value should updated to sum but it is not updating
I'm talking about methods to actually write FLASH from an application, ie
2019-02-08 10:39 PM
ok thanks for that
Is that method im doing wrong approach?
2019-02-09 12:54 AM
You can read flash memory like a simple variable, but You can't write it that way. For understanding how a flash memory works, read a FLASH section in Your MCUs reference manual. For understanding how to use FLASH for some data saving, read AN3969.
P.S. Independent of flash Your assignments among value, a and readaddress are logically wrong.
2019-02-10 11:35 PM
thank you Piranha , will do that and update
2019-02-17 9:33 PM
can we call a function from flash from another project?
lets say i have created two projects project-1 and project-2. i have stored a function called Sum(
) in the flash memory,so i want to call same Sum() function from the project-2.
I have stored project-1 in 0x08002000 and project-2 in 0x08004000,i stored Sum() function is stored in 0x08003000.
I'm using stm32f413zh board,total flash memory size is 1Mbytes.
Linker script file :
RAM (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 320K
FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x8000000, LENGTH = 1536K
MYFUNCTION (xr) : ORIGIN = 0x08004000 , LENGTH = 1k
/* Define output sections */
/* The startup code goes first into FLASH */
.isr_vector :
. = ALIGN(4);
KEEP(*(.isr_vector)) /* Startup code */
. = ALIGN(4);
/*myfunction memeory section start address is 0x08004000 */
.myfunction :
In main.c file :
__attribute__((section(".MYFUNCTION"))) int sum(int data);
int main()
sum(); //i have a sum function of two numbers and storing in variable 'a'
int sum(int a)
int a=1, b= 34 ;
return a;