2013-03-13 3:57 AM
after I updated the STMStudio I'm not able to import all variables from the .efl file. After selecting a file there are not all variables shown. I tried different toolchains, but the problem is still there. I use an old config (I think it was created with STMStudio 2.x or something) and my charts and variables are working. I can also add new variables to the ''Display Variables settings'' but I must do this by hand: 1. Right click ''new'', rename it to my variable name 2. Looking for the address of the variable in .map file or disassembled source. 2. Set the corect address and type. Now I can use it as before for example in graphs or tables. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but the variables are present in .map and also in .elf file (checked with an text editor). Has somebody a suggestion for me? Thanks and greets Tobias2013-06-28 2:48 AM
I recognize your problem; I also couldn't find the variable I was looking for in the list, and had to find the address in the map file. Even worse, this was a struct, so I had to manually enter all adresses. Even being able to use offsets would have been a nice feature (using expressions in the Address field), or using reference / dereference operators....
2013-07-01 4:26 AM
May you please precise with which toolset (compiler) version the elf file was made, and also give an example how such missing variables were defined in source files. Using basic types in variable definition should avoid any potential issue (even for structure fields). Moreover, bitfields and multi-dimensional tables are not managed by the STMStudio symbol browser. Thank you