2013-07-01 4:18 AM
Using STM32F407.I need to measure the duty cycle of an external signal. I can use TIM4 + PWN input for that purpose, but it is merely a 16 bit counter (I need a 32 bit). I am using an Olimex STM32-E407 that only allows access to TIM2 (32 bit timer) via port E. But I cannot get the PWM input to work on it - which interrupt service routine should I use?I see this in my header filevoid TIM1_BRK_IRQHandler(void); void TIM1_UP_IRQHandler(void); void TIM1_TRG_COM_IRQHandler(void); void TIM1_CC_IRQHandler(void); not simply ''void TIM1_IRQHandler(void);''So, if I can use PWN input for TIM1 (the reference manual says I can) which IRQ source do I need? Any information will be appreciated.2013-07-01 4:22 AM
Please ignore the question above !