2012-01-03 06:40 AM
Dear STe2e Community, I need your help.
I'm trying to get the diplay part of Keil's MCBSTM32C dev board working. It features a STMPE811 touch screen controller. The controller is connected through I2C and everithing works more or less good exept for the values I retrieve from the controller. I suppose they come as fractals, but I couldn't find anny informations about those in the datasheet or ANs. Annyone has an idea what the x and y values format is? my best guess is 8 MSB are the significand and the 4 LSB are the exponent. Is that correct? Thanks for anny input. #stmpe8112012-01-15 08:23 AM
The STMTouch forum is not covering S-Touch devices. I had a quick view to the STMPE811, and this device is using a standard I2C interface which is detailed in the section 4 of the product datasheet. The device is addressed through a set of registers which are detailed in section 6 and 10. In addition, a complete usage procedure for the touch screen interface is provided in section 11.You can also have a look to the STM32 Touch Sensing Library V0.1.4 which provides in the Utilities>STM32_EVAL>STM32L152_TS_EVAL folder a STMPE811 driver (stm32l152_ts_eval_ioe.c and stm32l152_ts_eval_ioe.h). It should help you to understand how to use this device.
Best Regards,
Dear STe2e Community, I need your help.
I'm trying to get the diplay part of Keil's MCBSTM32C dev board working. It features a STMPE811 touch screen controller. The controller is connected through I2C and everithing works more or less good exept for the values I retrieve from the controller. I suppose they come as fractals, but I couldn't find anny informations about those in the datasheet or ANs. Annyone has an idea what the x and y values format is? my best guess is 8 MSB are the significand and the 4 LSB are the exponent. Is that correct? Thanks for anny input.