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STM32WL UART bootloader

Associate III

Hi all,

Just a question, I have one stm32wl RAK3172 chip, on this chip I have a stm32f4 connected via UART like that

STM32F4 UART2             RAK3172 UART1

PD6               ---->            PB6.  

PD5              ----->           PB7


I'm trying to communicate with ST UART bootloader without success. I've put my RAK in bootloader mode (I'm sure because I'm able to detect it with stm32cubeprogrammer mode uart connected to PA2PA3)

My question is can I use PB6 and PB7 on my RAK to use uart bootloader or should I write custom bootloader to use it because basiclly stm seems to only use PA2 and PA3