2025-01-30 3:27 PM
Hello, I am trying to set up this is STM to connect it to another microcontroller via LPUART. To my understanding USART1 is unusable since it is connected to J-Link. I have attempted with LPUART setting up both PA3 and PA2 pins as the respective TX and RX. I have been trying to print out "hello world" on tera term and on the STM32IDE console with no luck. Is it even possible to use LPUART for this?
2025-01-30 3:43 PM
The STM32WB55RG is a chip. Are you dealing with the NUCLEO-WB55RG board?
> Is it even possible to use LPUART for this?
The LPUART on the STM32WB55RG certainly works and can be used to communicate with a serial converter or another MCU.
2025-01-30 4:12 PM
Yes working with the nucleo board sorry first time using these. Just to clarify. So i set up the RX/TX pins (PC0/PC1) and then generate the code from there I added the line HAL_UART_Transmit(&hlpuart1, (uint8_t *)"Hello, STM32 UART!\n", 20, HAL_MAX_DELAY); into the while loop. I have not have no luck so far onto both tera term and the STM32IDE shell console. Note that I do want to use a Baud of 115200 and my clock is set as PCLK1 at 32Mhz to LPUART. Sorry if im not making much sense.
2025-01-30 5:40 PM
Wait also would it just work if i just connect it via micro-usb to usb or do i need a serial converter
2025-01-30 6:41 PM - edited 2025-01-30 6:50 PM
So you are using PC0/PC1. But what are you using as an interface to connect Tera Term to the Nucleo board?
Edit: I didn't see your last comment. So yes you need a USB to TTL adapter
These adapters have switchable voltages, 3.3V and 5V
2025-01-30 6:54 PM
So what i did is i cleared out all the pins and simply just set up lpuart rx and tx pins. I then generated the code and attempted to print hello world. I am connecting it via micro usb to usb. Will i need a serial converter to read it onto tera term? Or am do i need to configure something else on STM32 IDE.