2010-10-18 12:26 PM
Hi all,
I have created an xls file that summurizes all STM32 discovery kit pinouts. This to simplify the developpement with this kit and to have a quick overview on its I/O. It also helps to choose quickly which GPIOs, Timers, communication peripherals... will be used wihout consulting the datasheet. It also indicates which pins are being used by the kit: push buttons, SW, LEDs etc.. I'm waiting your feedbacks. M3allem2010-10-18 4:53 PM
That is excellent!
Maybe slightly overdone on the colours, but that's a minor point. If only ST et al would provide this information in a machine-readable format in the first place! I usually end up doing this kind of thing to collect together all the different information that is scattered all across the PDF manuals.2010-10-18 4:56 PM
''If only ST et al would provide this information in a machine-readable format in the first place!''
See:2010-11-04 3:20 AM
Thank you for your feedback.
Regarding the colours, the puropse is to make quick-identify what we should use in term of pinouts. If all done by the same colour (may be black and white) will be more difficult to identify the placements of each port/features etc.. STM322010-11-05 12:56 AM
Indeed - but there are so many colours that it's just confusing & hard to follow!
Also bear in mind that not everyone has perfect colour vision...2011-04-06 11:36 AM
I have found this spreadsheet to be very useful.
It contained a few errors, such as the pin numbering order and header naming. I've fixed the ones I found and added additional information and notes. It does retain the bad color choice for the alternate functions. Perhaps that will be motivation for someone else to further improve the content when they fix the superficial impression.2011-04-11 4:25 AM
2011-06-15 7:27 PM
Very Nice. I like your chart. Thanks.
Don2011-06-21 6:06 AM
Many updates
Better alternate function font color. Added pin numbers for the 64 pin package. Added pin function entries for other chips in the series. This is useful if you prototype with a 'f100 Discovery board and use one of other chips later. Added notes about a few chip pinout bugs. It seems I've been bitten by most of them. I should just cut off PB5... More comments2011-07-10 7:59 AM