2024-07-17 5:20 AM
I am using an STM32U545 on which I expect to use ADC4_IN1 and ADC4_IN18 in stop mode 2 (using LPBAM).
I want to create two buffer (buff1 and buff2 uint16_t[32]) dedicated to each input.
I want to read 32 samples from input1 then 32 samples from input2 and restart infintely.
I don't find the correct way to configure LPBAM.
In first try, I use an LPTIM1 as trigger I do :
(sorry my project I can't get image of LPBAM configuration)
1) ADC conversion (channel 1) => ADC Conversion (channel 20) and loop on first conf bloc and use LPTIM1 trigger for both
=> In this case each buffer contain values from correct input but i run only once
2) If I do the same but loop on first data bloc => only last channel ise infinitrly sampled on both buffer
Can someone help me to configure it correctly?
Have a good day.
2024-07-19 2:38 AM
Hello @Aurelien1,
One way is to use the DMA linked list to link the nodes and enable buffer chaining
=> check this presentation
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2024-07-19 9:08 AM
Hi @Aurelien1
This post has been escalated to the ST Online Support Team for additional assistance. We'll contact you directly.
2024-07-25 12:16 AM
Hi Sarra,
I will be on holiday starting tomorrow. I will try to look into it when I return. Regarding the LPBAM configuration, can you confirm if I need to create 3 queues:
For both queues, I configure the trigger on LPTIM to set the sampling data rate.
For LPDMA, if I don't set any trigger, will the queue switch between each DMA request at the end of the ADC conversion? Or should I use another timer to handle that switching?
I join a project whivh doesn't work (push button won't wake up device) I will correct this part when I come back.
Does the LPDMA and adc configuration is correct? (for this test I expect to connect debug probe in Hot Plug during the 10s sleep).
THanks for your help
Have a good day.
2024-08-26 2:24 AM
Hi, do you have more information about channel switching in LPBAM?
To remind, I expect to get 32 samples of one channel before switching to the next one and so on.
2024-09-23 5:16 AM
Is it possible to get an example? I am still unable to do it working...
Thanks for your help