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STM32U5: Build error with TouchGFX: jpeg_utils.h: No such file or directory

Associate II


we previously used the STM32U5G9J-DK2 discovery kit with FreeRTOS and TouchGFX (with hardware-accelerated Vector Font Rendering, etc) successfully.

Now we are trying to bring up a custom STM32U5G7VJ based board. We first created the ioc File with CubeMX, configured all the pins and later on enabled FreeRTOS and TouchGFX middlewares. As far as possible, the settings from the discovery board were replicated (except we now use RGB888 instead of RGB565 and a few different LTDC and OCTOSPI settings)

After opening the project template in the TouchGFX editor, a hello world screen was added.

However, when building in STM32CubeIDE, the following error occurs in TouchGFX/target/generated/HardwareMJPEGDecoder.cpp: fatal error: jpeg_utils.h: No such file or directory

When I compared the HardwareMJPEGDecoder.cpp file between the discovery kit project and our own, I noticed it's different: The one from the discovery kit is around 5 KB larger and it has no #include <jpeg_utils.h> line.

Any ideas why this file is generated differently, even though the CubeMX configurations match (except for the details above) ?

Thank you.