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stm32lL011 20 led lighting.

Associate II

I have one stm32lL011 20 pin chip. And nothing more than just this chip, it's a bare chip. How can I turn on a led using a touch button? I don't know what to do, can you write me step by step what to do?

Thank you all =)

ST Employee

Hello @LLamp.1​ and welcome to the STM32 Community :)

I advise you to start and follow the STM32 MCU Wiki page: STM32 step by step

This will guide you to install the main tools for programming the STM32 and to build your own application step by step,


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I don't know what to do, the chip in the picture has jumper inputs and I tried to connect with stlinkv2 using them. But it didn't happen. Also, there is a 5th jumper input that I do not know. What is it?


What board is this? Do you have schematics?

Could you probe the circuit for continuity? Perhaps it's NRST?

Is the chip powered?

Pin 1&2 of the ST-LINK/V2 don't supply power, but need to see the voltage the Target device is using.

For examples, perhaps try review those in CubeL0


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I don't have a circuit diagram. I also connected the 5th jumper output to gnd and saw what in the picture.

So I have to remove pins 1 and 2 of st-link/v2 and connect my external power supply on the chip?


I'd probably get the Target Com Clock closer to 2 MHz for a CM0 part.

If NRST isn't connected "Connect under Reset" really isn't going to work/help

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I did not understand them. Sir, can you make any assumptions about what happened by examining the two pictures?
