2024-02-29 5:20 AM
Hi I have Windows 10 with all windows updates . Antivirus is disabled.
When i try to install the stm32 st-link utility 4.6.0 it starts to install but before there should be device driver installation wizard i get a msg
But i dont know what block this or why this is happend. there is no logs. Please help me is a urgent .
And this windows below i can close only when i start task manager as administrator and kill the process.
I also try it to install it when i log in in pc as local administrator. but the error is the same.
on other fresh installed pc i can install it without problems so i know that normally the next step is welcome to the device driver installation wizard!
2024-02-29 5:30 AM
Welcome @Dusko43, to the community!
Is there a special reason why you absolutely want to use this software, which has not been recommended for a long time and is on NRND, instead of the STM32CubeProg?
2024-02-29 5:44 AM
I need to use this stlink utility because our partner use it also and so we have to use it .
2024-02-29 5:58 AM
Aditional question, did i need some special prerequsits to install the software?
2024-02-29 6:40 AM
No, no special precautions are necessary for installation.
Once it is installed, however, there may be an error regarding the missing MFC140.dll, the solution to which has been discussed e.g. here. It would be sufficient to copy the MFC140.dll from the 32bit version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 into the program directory of the ST-Link Utility.
Since the ST-Link Utility (STSW-LINK004) is on NRND, there is otherwise no more support for it.
Good luck!