2023-11-21 12:45 PM
We have build a custom board based on the STM32L4R9I-EVAL, On our board we also used PSRAM IS66WVH8M8ALL-100
We are facing a problems using this PSRAM and we saw in the following forum discussions that it's a known issue and that the STM32L4R9 Does not support PSRAM.
We also saw the STM32L4Plus_Peripheral_OctoSPI.pdf, which mention that it does not support the Quad SPI PSRAM
We saw the solution of not using Odd Addresses, but we can not use this solution because we need the external ram for frameBuffer and for Other Variables too.
Can you please advise if there is away to solve this issue without redesigning our PCB ?
2023-11-21 1:29 PM
Strikes me there are some serious hardware issues which aren't going to get magically wished away.
Would suggest you discuss with your local FAE or support engineer, or use the support portal to open an online support request ticket.
Perhaps there are some pin compatible L5 or U5 parts with more functionality / utility.