2016-09-15 6:58 AM
Hi guys,
The project that I am doing needs the RTC clock to be working all the time.When VDD = 0V I have VBat powering the RTC. When the MCU reboots, I need to know if the time indicated by the RTC is correct, or if the time indicated by the RTC is wrong (eventually because of a drop in VBat). Is there a way to detect if the RTC is showing the right time after a reset?I am working with a STM32L476VGT6 MCU.Thanks in advance for your time. #rtc #stm32l4 #vbat2016-09-15 8:09 AM
Measure the battery voltage upon poweron. If it is below the voltage guaranteed to run the RTC, consider time as unreliable or outright wrong.
JW2016-09-15 8:50 AM
Thank you very much for answering my question waclawek.jan. This will do the trick.