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STM32L152 Flash Access

Associate II
Posted on August 27, 2014 at 17:19

Hello Everyone,

I am working on an STM32L152 based platform and trying place some data inside internal flash. As you may know, when a page is erased, in stm32L1, each bit is set to 0x00 instead of 0xFF. After erasing a page, I am trying to set each bit of a flash word respectively. Here is my test code:

*dest = (
*) 0x08030000;
uint32_t max = (uint32_t) ~0;
uint32_t value = 0;
HAL_FlashErase(dest, 1); /* STM32 Lib Function Wrapper */

(value < max) {
value = (value << 1) | 1;
HAL_FlashWriteWord(dest, value); /* Yet another wrapper function */

''value: %u | flash: %u\n''
, value , *(
uint32_t *) dest); 

When I have a look at the output, always I see inconsistent/incorrect values. Here is the short part of the output: value: 1 | flash: 1 value: 3 | flash: 3 value: 7 | flash: 15 /* Not same */ value: 15 | flash: 15 value: 31 | flash: 31 value: 63 | flash: 127 /* Not same again */ What could be the underlying reason for this? Thanks in advance.
Posted on August 27, 2014 at 17:27

What could be the underlying reason for this? 

''Up to 128 KB Flash with ECC''

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Associate II
Posted on August 27, 2014 at 17:38

Hello clive1,

In the datasheet, I see this instead: ''256 KB Flash with ECC''.


Posted on August 27, 2014 at 17:44

Depends on the part you're talking about, and you weren't insufficiently specific.

The flash line is wider than you think it is, and it's not designed to be written a bit at a time. You might see similar ''odd'' behaviour with MLC flash too.
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