2014-08-25 6:32 AM
I am configuring uClinux for STM32F1. I have applied the STM32 patch. But, in the uClinux-dist/vendors, I am unable to find the STM32 folder. Besides, after menu makeconfig, I cannot find the vendor selection tab as well.
Please help
#make-menuc #configuring #sledgehammer-to-crack-nut #cross-post #uclinux2014-08-26 3:48 AM
This has been rumbling-on on various Linkedin groups for ages, but people here may not know the history.
So you need to explain what you've done so far - what are you referring to as ''the STM32 patch
''? Where is this ''menu makeconfig
''? etc, etc,...2014-08-27 2:50 AM
2) Downloaded the uClinux distribution update patch file:
uClinux-dist-20080808-20090112.patch.gz </p>
3) downloaded the
(Mentor Graphics GNU toolchain)
5) Installed the code sourcery toolchain
6) Extracted the uClinux dist files
Update the uClinux distribution with the
patch the uClinux distribution with
from the STM3210E-EVAL uClinux kit:
9) Changed the directory to uClinux-dist
10) Run from the terminal the command ''make menuconfig''
11) Found the menu for vendor selection
12) Could not find the option for STmicroelectronics but got the option for all the rest of the companies like philips, nxp, microsemi, etc.
13) Checked in the distribution folder of the uClinux directory. Could not find the folder of STmicroelectronics but found all the rest of the microcontroller manufactureres.
I am stuck at this point. Please let me know if there is a mistake which patching the kernel with STM32_on_uClinux
2014-08-27 4:12 AM
I am stuck at this point. Please let me know if there is a mistake which patching the kernel with STM32_on_uClinux
Then review the changes described in the patch file(s) with respect to the STM32, and confirm those changes/additions have actually occurred in your source tree.2014-08-27 10:41 AM
Hi Neil. Thanks for the reply. I will do it and see the changes.
Regards,Shashank Sayanwar