2022-07-11 8:51 AM
2022-07-11 10:03 AM
Looks to be a die out of Crolles, so not a clone. Could well be something that was waived out to a specific custom, and thus not a retail part. Assuming you picked these up from the secondary market.
For Cat 3 devices the FLASH size is reported in a 16-bit word at 0x1FF800CC
If you touch beyond the usable memory on-die it will Hard Fault, suggest having the Hard Fault routine unpack the observed state/registers.
2022-07-12 11:05 AM
According to document from Product page on Mouser (Where actually I bought those MCUs) https://www.mouser.com/PCN/STMicroelectronics_10548.pdf
Change is visible through assembly traceability plant, in the marking:
- “GQ�? and "GH" for Stats ChipPAC China
and it is not from Crolles!
2022-07-12 11:12 AM
Also I dont know what to beleive to. To REV ID? DEVICE ID? or SMD Marking?
That is kind of weird. I need confirmation from somebody from ST that my MCU are Clone (and i should not use it ) or not, and point me to the documents where I can get valid info about changes in case of their presence.
2022-07-12 11:20 AM
I said the die is out of Crolles, looks to be packaged/assembled in China.
Work with your FAE out of Mouser, and have them work their ST contacts. If it's from Mouser they should be able to establish provenance and traceability.
@Imen DAHMEN @Amel NASRI can you please assign this for review, thanks.
2022-07-12 12:37 PM
Well I think there's significantly fewer die than there are product SKUs
Enough boxes are checked here that it's likely a legitimate part, and whatever production side has done seems to have repercussions that the documentation and tools side hasn't fully caught up with, at least publicly. The documentation likely exists, and I'm trying to shake the part of the tree I have hold of to get some answers/attention.
ST has a history with odd orphan / step-child parts, where delivery has been made using equivalent, or better, die to meet demand of specific parts and foot-prints.
2022-07-13 12:40 PM
Hello Orest,
This forum thread was marked by the moderator as needing a little more investigation, so a Support case was created in your name.
I wanted to first say that you should feel confident using any devices purchased in the authorized distribution channel, such as Mouser that you mentioned. There may some other variables going on here, so we will be in contact in just a bit to look into this further from the Support case that was made.
Lastly, should anyone have any similar questions like this, such as authenticity or device markings, please feel free to open a Support case directly at your myST portal, here: https://st.com/ols
Thank you for your interest in ST products.
2022-07-13 12:58 PM
I think perhaps the deeper concern here is the systemic failure of the documentation and the tools to support a part that's shipped for 2+ years.