2014-07-30 1:23 AM
Is it possible to differ a reset caused by a POR/PDR from one caused by a BOR? The flag PORRSTF gets set by a PDR as well as by a BOR. I need to check if power voltage dropped only below VBOR or also below VPOR. Is there a possibility to get that info? Thanks for helping! Gizmo2014-07-30 3:29 AM
I do not have the reference manual for your device but for the STM32F405 you check the RCC->CSR It is in the Reset and clock control2014-07-30 4:17 AM
Thank you for answering.
That's true, the STM32F4 has a PORRSTF and a BORRSTF.
The STM32L1 has only a PORRSTF, so there is no difference between a brown out and a power down reset in this flag.
Is there another chance to find out what caused the reset?
Thank you anyway.