2017-09-20 03:31 AM
So recently I had to dig in and fix some code about the USART in SmartCard mode. Apparently each byte i send is echoed back at me, triggering the RXNE. My question is do I get the RXNE before the TC of the byte I just send or after that.
According to the user manual: 'Then, the FE flag is set with the RXNE at the end of the 1.5 stop bit.', that means in the case of a smartcard with Guard Time of say 10 etus, I will get the TC after the guard time(user manual- 'TC is forced low during this time. When the guard time counter reaches the programmed value TC is asserted high.' ) and the RXNE must be set after the 1.5 stop bits which is before the TC.
I have run that many times and it seems completely random - sometimes RXNE is set before TC and sometimes after it.
Also the user manual doesn't say anything on the echoed bytes.